Installing Windows 10 1803 with Intel(r) Rapid Storage Technology

 タイトル通り、何のひねりもなくWindows 10 1803をインテルのRSTを使った環境に新規インストール手順である。


 下の機器は、スペック上IRSTの条件を満たすだろうとあたりを付けて中古で購入したもので、WEB上のパンフレットを見る限り、IRST対応を目玉として売っているものではない(HDDx1, DVDx1だし)。HPは結構この構成をアピールしたPCを売っている。

DELL Optiplex 9010 (SFF) Core-i7(3770)/C216
 第3世代のCore-i7 C216チップセットとかなり古いPCで、私の家の中では最も古く、最も電気を食うPC。プロセッサの動作周波数的には満足している。
 SFFはSmall Form Factorの略で、筐体には3.5inch HDDとノートPC用のDVDドライブしか入らない。ロープロファイルのPCI Expressが2口ついているので、ここにSSDを挿入することは(形態が合えば)可能だ。私のは既にビデオカードがバス2本分の容積を埋めているので、単純にDVDを外し、Micronの2.5inch 128GB SSDをスペーサーと共に入れた。HDDはシングルプラッター(らしい)7200rpm、容量2TBのものを入れている。データ用ストレージは外部にあるので、2TBで足りないことは無いだろう。

(1) You should have a correct code (Product ID) to activate Windows 10
(2) detach external drives. These steps are for new installation.
(3) Backup what you need in partitions on c: drive. These steps erase all partitions on c: drive (and SSD).
(4) make the newest Windows 10 installer on a USB drive. I recommend to use USB3.x aware thumb drive. (call this "install drive" below)
(5) download IRST F6 (open zip archive) drivers and IRST UI installer then save them to install drive.
(6) if you are clever person, you will download all drivers for your platform and save it in install drive.

(1) boot PC then start hit F2 continuously. You should enter firmware setup screen.
(2) choose UEFI to startup.
(3) Set SATA to RAID on. (not AHCI)
(4) enable legacy option ROMs. This includes RAID firmware.
(5) enable all (or required) SATA drive
(6) save and restart PC.
(7) at the time RAID firmware appeares, hit ctrl-I. You should enter RAID volume setting screen.
(8) if there are RAID volumes, erase all.
(9) insert USB install drive and save to restart.
(10) if you could not boot from install drive, goto (1) and select USB dongle is the first boot drive. Then restart.
(11) push "Install now" on the first dialog
(12) input product key as you requested, and check "I accept bra bra...", push next.
(13) You should select "install Windows only" when asked. All other data will be erased.
(14) You should stop to select install target partition.
(15) delete all partitions on c: dirve (Drive 0, if you connect there). the drive will be unified as "Unallocated Space"
(16) do same on SSD (Drive 1, bra bra...) if there are some partitions.
(17) push "Load Driver" button and push "browse" on Load driver dialog then goto where you stored F6 drivers.
(18) select "Intel Chipset SATA RAID Controller (D:\f6flpy-x64\iaStorAC.inf)" then push next button
(19) after several seconds or minutes, you should return to partition select screen
(20) select "Unallocated Space" you made at (15)
(21) install windows
(22) input all information to use windows. install drivers, IRST UI, Windows update. At this time, the IRST environment is not contructed.
(23) restart PC
(24) at any time, invoke IRST UI
(25) push "Performance" button at the top of the screen
(26) do acceleration configuration as you like. If you cannot see the link, check (2)(3)(4)(5) nor your platform is not supported. By doing this step, the IRST construct RAID volume.
   After configuration, it may take several minutes to make cache. (otherwise it ask you restart PC?) I don't know we really need (17) and (18) even now.
If you keep failing, try older IRST and F6 driver or another configuration on (2)(3)(4)(5).

#additional information for DELL above.
Because RAID bios is legacy, you'd better to use and keep version The newer version could not use for performance up, in my case.
Anyway, you may need some routines of try and error. Hava a fun, yes "FUN".